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Robotics Training – Summer Camp @ Triad Software

Robotics Training – Summer Camp @ Triad Software

A summer camp for school going students from standard VII to XI was held from April 30th to May 11th 2018. This opportunity was extended to children supported by Ascend Educational Foundation as well.

Objective of this program:

  • To create an environment where school going kids will come and explore science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
  • Participants to generate ideas, create designs and then work on them to create models. They shall use CAD as a tool for modelling ideas for creating designs. It shall help trigger their innovative instincts, generate interest towards science and technology and also get the experience of working in the real world.

The duration of the program was 40 hours and there were 6 children who participated in the program. The program was well received and the participants at the end were happy to have produced a working model of different contraptions. The exercise involved both team work and individual contribution. It did trigger their scientific and technological temper, while honing their innovative traits and skill sets. On the concluding day, the participants were appreciated for their involvement and certificates were distributed.

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