Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”
– John Dewey
“The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.”
– Malcolm Forbes
“Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know.”
– Daniel J. Boorstin
Don’t just teach your children to read. Teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything.
– George Carlin
He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.
— Friedrich Nietzsche
Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.
― G.K. Chesterton
The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.
― B.B. King

Each year before the academic year starts, Ascend invites application from prospective students, who desires to avail the support extended by the Foundation. The format for the Application is given in this website. Applicants are requested to download the Form and take a print-out of the same. The application should be filled properly giving all the information called for. The applicant should also annex all the required documents mentioned in the application form.
The completed application form along with the enclosures should be submitted at AEF’s office on or before May 31 st. The office address is also mentioned in this website.
AEF will process all the application forms and if the applicant is found eligible for further assessment, he or she will be called for interview before June 30th through telephonic call. The date and time of interview will be informed beforehand. The interview will be conducted by the Board of Trustees.
Once the interview sessions are completed, the selected applicant for receiving the support from the Foundation will receive information from the AEF office before July 31st. The decision made by the Board of Trustees will be final in this regard.
We Fight Illiteracy

Welcome to
Ascend Educational Foundation (AEF)
India has approximately 5% of its population (~ 75 million people) living below poverty line (BPL), with BPL being defined as Rs 54/-for the rural population and Rs 64/- for the urban population (purchasing power per person per day). (Source: Research by SBI published in Forbes India, October 17th, 2024.) But according to the World Bank report published in 2024, there are 129 million Indians below the poverty line. Suffice to say, India needs a determined intervention to continue to move people out of the poverty strata. One of the key instruments behind this socio-economic status is the literacy rate. There are wide variances in the literacy rates between states. The literacy rates have increased impressively with consistent efforts from the Central … and State Governments. (86% as per one source). This has been possible due to the above average growth in the economy which has impacted the earnings of the lower strata of the population positively. While the endeavour will be to continue to lift more of the population above the poverty line, there is a fervent need to improve the quality of life for the people of India. And the key element to ensure that is to improve the literacy levels of the country. Despite the impressive growth in the economy in the past decade, the efforts of the Government alone will be insufficient to achieve what is required to make the step towards becoming a developed Nation. Read more
India has approximately 5% of its population (~ 75 million people) living below poverty line (BPL), with BPL being defined as Rs 54/-for the rural population and Rs 64/- for the urban population (purchasing power per person per day). (Source: Research by SBI published in Forbes India, October 17th, 2024.) But according to the World Bank report published in 2024, there are 129 million Indians below the poverty line. Suffice to say, India needs a determined intervention to continue to move people out of the Poverty strata. One of the key instruments behind this socio-economic status is the literacy rate. There are wide variances in the literacy rates between states. The literacy rates have increased impressively with consistent efforts from the Central … and State Governments. (86% as per one source). This has been possible due to the above average growth in the economy which has impacted the earnings of the lower strata of the population positively. While the endeavor will be to continue to lift more of the population above the poverty line, there is a fervent need to improve the quality of life for the people of India. And the key element to ensure that is the literacy levels of the country. Despite the impressive growth in the economy in the past decade, the efforts of the Government alone will be insufficient to achieve what is required to make the step towards becoming a Developed nation. Read more
Our Mission
The Primary aim of Ascend Educational Foundation will be to positively impact the lives of its beneficiaries in a holistic manner with a special focus on education, healthcare, cultural and personality development, with a view to significantly change the economic trajectory of the beneficiaries’ families.

Our Program
- Identify economically underprivileged families through extensive demographic penetration in chosen areas
- Analyse comprehensively the prospective beneficiaries on select criteria, evaluate, and decide on the list of families to receive the foundation’s support
- Offer financial support and counselling to the selected beneficiary and the family, with preferential treatment for single-child families, single-parent families
- Monitor and guide beneficiaries on an ongoing basis through the Mentor Program and Read more
Mentorship Program
Most of us can think of people in our lives, more experienced than ourselves, who taught us something new, offered advice, presented a challenge, initiated friendship, or simply expressed an interest in our development as a person.
Our Mentorship Program is an endeavour to connect the Beneficiaries with the right Mentors to ensure that the journey of the Beneficiaries continues on the right track. The Mentors are handpicked by the AEF trustees and form an integral part of the program. They are the first responders to any issue or challenge faced by the Beneficiaries. It is the Mentors’ responsibility to enable their Beneficiaries to achieve the desired outcomes in their personal journeys.

Events & Happenings
- Meeting the Past BeneficiariesIn October 2022, we had the pleasure of reconnecting with six beneficiaries we had previously supported. Some of these students were with Ascend from their middle school days. These young bright boys and girls not only performed extremely well in their school but also went on to excel in their college education. One student-associate completed her postgraduate degree in English Literature while the others graduated and secured professional positions in the IT industry, an MNC bank, and even Merchant Navy. Witnessing the significant positive changes in their life trajectories was both a proud and gratifying moment for us at Ascend.
- Software Training – Summer Camp @ Triad SoftwareA summer camp was conducted for school students in the age group of 12-17 years from May 6 to May 17 2019. This opportunity was extended to children supported by Ascend Educational Foundation as well.
- Robotics Training – Summer Camp @ Triad SoftwareA summer camp for school going students from standard VII to XI was held from April 30th to May 11th 2018. This opportunity was extended to children supported by Ascend Educational Foundation as well.
One of the key elements of AEF is the mentoring program. Educated and well-informed adult mentors are an important part of the ASCEND TEAM. Mentors are professionals in a wide variety of career fields who demonstrate through their daily lives the significance and rewards of hard work, focus and perseverance.
As a AEF mentor one offers:
- Information Mentors share their knowledge, experiences, and wisdom.
- Facilitating Choices Mentors provide valuable opportunities by facilitating academic and career choices.
- Challenges Mentors stimulate curiosity and build confidence by presenting new ideas, opportunities and challenges.
- Support Mentors encourage growth and achievement by providing an open and supportive environment.
- Goal Setting Mentors help beneficiaries discover talents and interests and define and attain those goals.
- Guidance Mentors guide beneficiaries in reaching academic, career, and personal goals.
- Role Models By sharing stories of achievement with beneficiaries, mentors can become role models.
To get started as a mentor:
Introduce yourself to the Foundation either through an e-mail or a telephonic call and enroll yourself as a registered mentor. Mention personal, career, and education interests; disability; and involvement with science, technology, engineering, math and art. Once registered as a Mentor with AEF, information will be provided on your role and responsibilities in addition to you being introduced to the beneficiary.

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Help us build a more literate and knowledge-centric nation. Your support can change lives and contribute to India’s development

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